A student who is concerned with a diploma exam mark may:
• Request a rescore on myPass or by forwarding a completed Diploma Exam Rescore Application Form
• Rewrite the diploma exam
• Retake instruction in the course and rewrite the diploma exam
Rescoring an Exam
A diploma exam rescore is a request to have the diploma exam remarked at Alberta Education. The previous marks are deleted and the diploma exam is remarked by teachers without knowledge of the original marks. For the written component all assignments are rescored. For all rescores the rescore mark is the final diploma exam mark for that particular diploma exam whether the mark is raised, lowered or remains the same.
Rescore requests must be submitted before the deadline using myPass. Rescore requests will be denied if the examinee fails to:
• Submit payment
• Sign the Declaration
There is an administration fee for each diploma exam rescored. If a diploma exam mark is increased by 5% or more as a result of rescoring, the fee is fully refunded.