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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


School Fees

In September 2019, the provincial government made some changes to the legislation that sets out how school divisions charge school fees. Our school fee schedule reflects these changes.

The school fee schedule below includes every fee that might be charged, for every grade. It is important to know that you may not have to pay for every item. In September, your school will tell you your fees and explain what each fee is for.

Mandatory Fees

Textbook Rental - $75 (refundable)  

If a student requests to take a textbook home, there will be a $75 fee. Most classes will not require this.

 The following fees are mandatory IF enrolled in the program:

Art 10/20/30 - $40 (to cover art materials)

Audio Engineering 15 - $150 (to cover equipment - headphones, portable hard drive, carrying bag that student keeps after the course)

Audio Engineering 25 - $100 (to cover equipment - Radial JDI Box build kit that the student keeps after the course

ERCP Level 1 and Physical Education - YMCA membership (approximately $150 over the semester, paid directly to the YMCA

ERCP Level 2 - YMCA membership (approximately $150 over the semester, paid directly to the YMCA

ERCP Level 1 - mandatory (must be purchased)

ERCP Level 2 -mandatory (must be purchased)

Optional Resources & Services:

ARC Cards

Get your free ARC card from the Main Office and register it through SchoolZone. Online purchase dates will be posted monthly. More information at myarc.ca 

There is NO student parking available at Centre High. 

For schedule & route information, contact ETS at 780-496-1600 or visit them online.

Diploma Exams

ALL students REWRITING diploma exams MUST pre-pay and register DIRECTLY with Alberta Education at myPass.alberta.ca by the established deadlines to ensure an exam and label will be supplied to the school for the diploma writing session.

    • Centre High does not collect fees for diploma exam rewrites.
    • Diploma exam dates and times are set by Alberta Education.
    • Diploma exam rules and guidelines are set by Alberta Education.