Labour Action Updates
Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.
Centre High Campus is a school for students that are in their fourth or fifth year of high school that need to finish their high school studies, upgrade existing marks, enroll in specific courses for career or post-secondary studies.
To qualify to attend Centre High Campus, students must:
Textbook Rental: $ 75.00 (refundable)
If a student requests ta take a textbook home, there will be a $75 fee. Most classes will not require this.
Special Optional Fees: Only required by students registered in an ERCP or Physical Education course.
Art 10/20/30: $40 (to cover art materials)
Audio Engineering 15: $150 (to cover equipment - headphone, portable hard drive, carrying bag;
student keeps the items after the course)
Audio Engineering 25: $100 (to cover equipment - Radial JDI box build kit; student keeps the item after the course)
ERCP and Physical Education: YMCA membership (approximately $150 over the semester, paid directly to the YMCA)
ERCP Level 1: mandatory (must be purchased)
ERCP Level 2: mandatory (must be purchased)
ALL students REWRITING diploma exams MUST pre-pay and register DIRECTLY with Alberta Education by the established deadlines to ensure an exam and label will be supplied to the school for the diploma writing session.
NOTE: Centre High does not collect fees for diploma exam rewrites
Semester 2 |
Block 1 |
8:45 - 9:55 a.m. |
Block 2 |
10:00 - 11:10 a.m. |
Block 3 |
11:15 - 12:25 p.m. |
Block 4 |
12:30 - 1:40 p.m. |
Block 5 |
1:45 - 2:55 p.m. |
Block 6 |
Quarter 3 3:05 - 6:00 p.m. (M/T/W/F only) |
Semester One (S1) |
Semester Two (S2) |
Quarter 1 Aug. 29 – Nov 7 Q1 Diploma exams (Oct 28 - Nov 7) |
Quarter 2 Nov 14 – Jan 27 Sem 1 Diploma Exams Jan 14 - 27 |
Quarter 3 Jan 28 – April 16 Q3 Diploma Exams (April 3 - 11) |
Quarter 4 April 17 – June 26 Sem 2 Diploma Exams Jun 11 - 25 |
For Students
Occasionally, the school receives requests from the public, such as parents or guardians regarding information about their child’s attendance or performance in school. If you are 18 years of age or older, or 17 years of age and living independently, information related to your school activities is confidential unless you provide permission to release information. You may already have provided this permission by completing the “release of information” section on your Centre High Campus application. You may, at any time, give the administration written permission for disclosure of information.
If you are under 18 years of age and not living independently, information may be released to your parent or guardian.
For Parents
No one, including parents, can access information about students 18 years of age or older without written consent of the student. If you are positive the student has given written permission, please proceed to the Administration Office at Centre High Campus to make your request in person; photo identification must be shown so your identity can be verified. No information will be released over the phone.
There is NO student parking available at CHC. Parking is available downtown at public parking lots and meters.
Public Transit
ETS bus and LRT services offer a viable alternative for student transportation.
Get your free ARC card from the Main Office and register it through SchoolZone. Online purchase dates will be posted monthly. More information at
For bus schedule & route information, contact ETS at 780-496-1600
For schedule & route information, visit
At Edmonton Public Schools, students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects a positive sense of self within a welcoming, inclusive, safe and healthy learning environment. School expectations for student attire take into account a student’s right to fairness, dignity and respect and will not discriminate against students based on race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, socio-economic status, or body type. As examples, clothing items including, but not limited to, durags, turbans, hijabs, and burkas are all acceptable and appropriate attire.
Dress code expectations will be implemented in a manner that empowers students to make decisions that promote a positive sense of self and contribute to a respectful learning environment.
In preparation for post-secondary education and the world of work, Centre High Campus students must also ensure they adhere to the following guidelines:
If Edmonton Public School Board staff have reasonable grounds to believe that an electronic device contains evidence pertaining to a breach of the District’s Student Behaviour and Conduct Policy and/or the School Behaviour Policy, it is the expectation that students make available to school administration the unaltered contents of the permanent and/or removable memory of their cellular phone or electronic device. Failure to make the contents available can be considered willful disobedience and is grounds for disciplinary action.
It is expected that you will use sound judgment when using computer technology at Centre High Campus. In keeping with that expectation, behaviours such as the following are not acceptable:
As a Centre High Campus student you should understand that your computer privileges are limited to the networks of Centre High Campus and Edmonton Public Schools. Centre High staff has the right to review any materials you may store on network space as well as any information you have acquired from the internet. You are held accountable for your actions. Contravention of the acceptable use policy may result in any or all of the following:
Due to health reasons, it is expected that students supply their own headsets for use with our computers.