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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Diploma Exams

If you are taking a diploma exam course for the first time at Centre High Campus, then your school will register you to write the examination for the course in which you are enrolled.

If you intend to rewrite a diploma exam for a course you are currently retaking at Centre High Campus, you are responsible for registering and paying the rewrite fee prior to the exam at myPass.

If you intend to rewrite a diploma exam without retaking the course, you must register and pay the rewrite fee online using myPass.

ALL students REWRITING diploma exams MUST register and pre-pay DIRECTLY with Alberta Education by the established deadlines to ensure an exam and label will be supplied to the school for the diploma writing session.

Details on registering and paying rewrite fees are explained on Alberta Education's website.

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